Selected top locations from travel expert, best restaurants, packed itinerary and amazing people in the group!
on request
$ 2 400
up to 12 travelers


Peru is a sunny country full of south american vibes and music. Here the Pacific Ocean murmurs, the abandoned Inca city Machu Picchu sleeps on the rocks, and the undeciphered geoglyphs on the Nazca plateau wait for their explorer. On these lands, several ancient civilizations have experienced their dawn and sunset. In spite of the Spanish conquest of this land, Peru has many Inca and pre-Inca sights which you will visit.

We will visit Cusco, the capital of the Inca civilization. We will study the architecture of the cathedral and the main Inca temple dedicated to the sun god Coricancha. We will bargain at the local market and taste the Andean mountain cuisine famous for its soups, llama steaks, guinea pig and quinoa and potato dishes.

Our route will lead to the Sacred Valley - here we will see Moray, famous for its huge circular terraces, and Maras - the salt mines.
Solve the mysteries of Machu Picchu
Spend the night on a thatched island
Visit a Quechua village
We will go up to Machu Picchu at sunrise, visit a closed settlement of Quechua Indians and taste pachamanca, a festive dish that is baked under a layer of rocks and earth. We buy ponchos, dance to street music and take selfies with llamas. We'll go on an easy hiking trip to the rainbow mountains of Vinicunca, and at the end of the trip we'll try the tastiest chocolate in the world in Arequipa and visit mysterious mummy.

Our itinerary includes the main attractions of Peru listed by UNESCO - Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Maras, Lima, Arequipa, Lake Titicaca.
This active tour will not make you bored and will leave bright impressions in your soul and a piece of your heart in Peru.


Day 1

After checking into your hotel and refreshing shower we go to the best Peruvian restaurant for dinner.
Peru has been taking the award as a developed destination for gastronomic tourism for many years.

On the first night, you will try iconic dishes. For example, ceviche, a spicy dish of oceanic raw fish marinated in lemon juice with sweet yams for contrast, is incredibly delicious. Instead of tea, order the chicha morada, a refreshing lemonade of black corn, peaches, pineapple and lime.

Raise a glass of pisco sour over introductions and discussion of the travel plan. There are many variations of the cocktail! It's an iconic cocktail of the Peruvian variety of brandy, lemon juice, ice, sugar and egg white.

Day 2

The morning flight to Cusco takes only an hour. The plane flies over the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, the highest mountains in the New World.
Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire of Tahuantinsuyu before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a significant testimony of a vanished cultural tradition. From the Quechua language its name translates as "the center of the world": for the Quechuas, Cuzco was the center of the world. Now it is a small beautiful city with a rich history.

Cuzco was founded by the first Inca and is shaped like a puma, a sacred animal believed to patronize the world of the living. Its head is the fortress of Sacsayhuaman, and its heart was where the Plaza de Armas is now. The Inca palace used to be there. The Spanish colonizers destroyed it and built the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on its foundations.
The Quechua Indians in scarlet ponchos walk on the streets. You can buy the same poncho, sweaters and knitted hats in the city.
Day 3
In the morning we go to Santo Domingo Monastery. There used to be the Koricancha, the Temple of the Sun of Incas. In the main hall there was a huge golden disc on the floor, around which the mummies of the rulers sat on thrones.

The Coricancha consisted of huge blocks of stone, perfectly fitted to each other. Not even a needle or a piece of paper could fit between the stones. They all weigh several tons each. How this Inca masonry was erected is one of the mysteries of Peru.

We will visit the city market - it is noisy and crowded, and the stalls are bursting with bizarre souvenirs and fruits from Amazonia. There's everything here - Andean double-sided textiles, homemade musical instruments, hundreds of types of potatoes, and sacred plants.

We have lunch at the top Andean restaurant. We recommend trying the lomo saltado, a roast beef with vegetables and rice. Also on the menu is a delicious fried chicken with Peruvian potatoes. And experimenters can try guinea pig or alpaca steak.

We will visit the fortress city of Sacsayhuaman. According to one hypothesis, it was built not only to protect the city, but also to serve the God of Lightning. From the hill we have a panoramic view of the historic center and the valley.

Day 4
Sacred Valley

Today we are going to explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It is considered to be the birthplace of the Inca civilization. Many mummies have been found here.
In Chinchero we will visit a temple built on ancient foundations. Its paintings contain not only Christian sacred stories, but also plots of Inca mythology.

Then we go to Moray to look at the circular terraces where the Incas grew vegetables and cereals. They are shaped like an inverted pyramid. It is believed that the difference in height on the terraces allowed plants to acclimatize to different regions of the empire.
Nearby is the Maras, an impressive cascade of hand-built clay pools. Salt is extracted here by evaporation in the sun during the dry season.

We will see Fort Ollantaytambo, where Manco, the Inca ruler who led the confrontation with the colonizers, hid during the conquest. Here he won one of the most impressive victories over the Spaniards, changing the course of the Urubamba River and flooding the plain.
Take the evening train to Aguas Calientes. Before going to bed there will be an opportunity to bathe in the hot springs.

Day 5
Machu Picchu

Early in the morning we go up to Machu Picchu by bus. It is also called the "Lost City" or the "City of the Sun. Machu Picchu is included in the UNESCO list of cultural sites as an area of exceptional aesthetic and cultural significance. Unlike the other Inca cities, Machu Picchu was not destroyed by the Spanish. Its existence was not known until 1911, when it was discovered by the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham.

A short but strenuous climb up Mount Huayna Picchu awaits us. It rises 350 meters above the city and allows us to view it from the top. The top of the mountain was the residence of the high priest and the Solar Maidens, priestesses of the virgins. You will see Machu Picchu from a different angle and notice that the city is built in the shape of a condor. The panoramic shots from here are stunning.

Afterwards, we will have time to see the ruins of Machu Picchu, look into the ancient sanctuary, visit the Condor Temple, and look at the huge stone to which, according to legend, the sun is tied. One of the most interesting places in Machu Picchu is the Temple of the Sun. This is where the priests kept astrological observations and where the rituals were performed. At the foot of it is a tomb. You can also take selfies with llamas here.

Day 6
Visiting a family of Quechua.

Going high up in the mountains to visit a family of Quechua Indians. The Quechua are direct descendants of the Incas. The local Indians are our friends, and outsiders are not allowed. For many travelers, interacting with the Quechua becomes the most beloved and heartwarming part of the trip. It is interesting to communicate with people who live in harmony with the nature and traditions.

We are treated to a festive Peruvian dish, pachamanca. Different types of meat, bananas, potatoes and corn are baked in the ground, covered with large stones and soil. The meat turns out juicy and spicy. Cooking it is a whole ritual that we will be present at.

In the evening we return to Cusco and go to bed early.

Day 7
Rainbow Mountains

Early in the morning we leave for the seven-colored Rainbow Mountains of Vinikunk. On the way we have breakfast in a local village.

The Rainbow Mountains became famous in 2016. Since then, the place has been gaining popularity. It is believed that the mountains became colored at a time when the valley was completely covered by water. Rivers and streams flowed into the huge lake, bringing with them samples of different rock formations. They were deposited at the bottom, forming brightly colored bands.

It takes about two hours to climb the 5060-meter-high observation deck on foot, but the views are worth it. From here you can see the mountains in all their glory, and you can also see the snow-capped peak of Ausangeit, the sacred mountain of the Incas. If you don't want to go up on foot, you can ride a horse driven by a Quechua Indian.

We descend from the mountains, go to a restaurant for lunch, and check into the hotel by evening.

Day 8
Uros floating islands

In the morning we drive to Puno. The main attraction of these places is Lake Titicaca, where the floating islands of the Uros are located. The thatched islands are home to the Aymara Indians. According to legend, the Aymara built these islands to escape the persecution of the Incas. It seems they succeeded.

We'll check into a thatched lodge and have a fresh trout for lunch. We'll immerse ourselves in a study of local life and take a puma-headed boat ride.

Our lodge is absolutely wonderful, the golden totora reeds rustle beneath your feet, the panoramic windows allows you to admire the sunrise while wrapped in a blanket. and the warmhearted Aymara family make you happy with their hospitality, treating you to a delicious breakfast and fresh trout.

Day 9

We have breakfast and drive to Arequipa. It's a long way, but your teamleader will tell you many interesting stories about the country. We stop for lunch on the way.

We'll see the ruins of Silustani, a pre-Indian cemetery located on the shore of Lake Umayo. The dead of the Aymara people are buried here. Aymara burials are called chulpa burials. The inside of the grave was shaped like a womb, where the dead were placed in the fetal position. Lizards can be seen in some places on the stones. Here they became a symbol of rebirth because their tails grow back.

Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru, also called the "white city" for its elegant architecture of white volcanic stone. Its historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Arequipa sits on the fault line of the earth's crust - also called the Pacific Ring of Fire. Everything here is within walking distance, so it's nice to walk around in the evening and watch the life of the city.
Day 10
In the morning we go to see the monastery of Santa Catalina. On its grounds is the Pinacoteca, a famous art gallery. There are paintings by the masters of the religious school of Cuzco. In the courtyards grow flowers and orange trees, and the streets are buried in flowers.

Arequipa is the capital of Peruvian cuisine. We go to the best restaurant. We recommend trying the chupe de camarones, which is a soup made of shrimp, tomatoes, boiled corn, cream, chili peppers, eggs and all kinds of spices. And the chocolate produced in Peru is considered one of the most delicious in the world. You will go to a tasting and see if it is really that good.

In the afternoon we will visit the Andean Shrine Museum where one of the best preserved mummies in the world is on display. She is also called the "ice maiden." Juanita, a girl 12-14 years old, and several other children were found in a burial at the top of a volcano. According to one of the hypotheses, the ritual of Kapakocha - the sacrifice of children to the gods - took place here.

In the evening we will go for a promenade around the city and celebrate the end of our journey over a celebratory dinner, discussing the personal top 5 of each participant.

Day 11

In the morning we fly to Lima, from where you can take a flight home.

You will return full of experiences and discoveries, and your social media feeds will long attract attention with bright atmospheric pictures. And Peru will always be waiting for you - see you again!

Optional day
If you have time, stay in Lima for one more day. We will offer you a cultural program at the Larco Museum and a visit to the pyramids of Huaca Pucljan, help you book an interesting restaurant and watch the sunset by the Pacific Ocean.


What is included:
  • Service of a Spanish-speaking team leader for the entire trip
  • Domestic flights: Lima-Cusco and Arequipa-Lima
  • Minibus for the entire trip, fees and staff
  • Accommodation in comfortable 3-5* hotels, double occupancy, breakfast-based meals
  • A trip to the Uros floating islands and accommodation in a lodge
  • Hiking on Vaina Picchu Mount and the Rainbow Mountains, mountain guides
  • Visit to remote Quechua villages
  • City tours
  • All transfers from/to airports
  • Photo and video shooting of all adventures
Not included:
  • International flight to Lima and back
  • Meals exept breakfast
  • Travel insurance
At your will:
  • Single occupancy $320

Accomodation during the tour

Where do we stay?
We have chosen for our trip 3*-5* hotels with crazy views
and a nice relaxing atmosphere.

Double occupancy is planned for the entire trip, but you can request single occupancy.

Please take into consideration the fact that hotels can be changed at any time according to the needs and size of the group.

We strive to provide the highest level of comfort within the group budget.


  • We compose unique itineraries
    We don't use popular guidebooks - we craft our own.
    We explore each country and talk with locals before we bring our guests. Hence our tours inspire a burst of positive feedback and vivid emotions!

  • We handpick hotels
    We choose 4- and 5-star hotels and screen them in person before the trip. We're confident that online photos and ratings of these hotels match reality. We choose the accommodation in the central parts of the cities or in convenient locations along the route to save time on travel.
  • We keep comfort in mind
    We always prefer a short flight to a long trip by ground transportation. Chartered buses and public transportation are not about us. We use comfortable vehicles for all transfers and trips during the tour.
  • We elaborate the program
    Our professional travel designers thoughtfully select sightseeing, events and tours for your program. The trip price includes all activities; no additional charges required.